Digital Storytelling

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Dramatic Change in My Life

Mariha shares her feelings about changing schools and having to find a new set of friends in her digital story.

Watch the digital story
Listen to Mariha and Atif discuss their digital stories

The First Time I Learnt How To Ski

Mukita took on an interesting and personal challenge when she travelled from Bangladesh to Switzerland to learn how to ski.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Story On Payback

How important is it to win? Salmann relates his story about the need to improve and achieve when playing basketball.

My Life Without Me

Shakila has created a digital story based on an important change in her life. She shares her thoughts about the benefits of change and celebrates the meaning of friends and family.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Fear of the Dark

Meraj recounts a disturbing incident where the dark takes over his bedroom and he loses the ability to work out what is real or not. What is in the corner of the room?

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Muttaki is a young hero who has an interesting encounter with the all knowing 'Oracle'. He needs to find the tool for mass knowledge and education. But what is this? Will he find it?? What does the 'portal' have to do with this?
Watch the digital story
Listen to Muttaki talk about his story

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Best Friends Mean Forever

Proma has a special friendship from a very young age. What happens when the two friends are separated? Will the friendship remain after a period of time and time apart?

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Pain of Being Different

Kashfi starts relating a personal story but transforms this into a broader historical perspective on the condition of man. She yearns for a peaceful and more tolerant world and appeals to us all to join together and make a difference.

Fear of the Chicken

Sourov is a quiet and reflective grade 10 student at International School Dhaka. The digital story he produced this term called "Fear of the Chicken" shows an insight into his character including an innermost feeling as well as a sense of humour.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Digitales take flight

Digital storytelling is about using ICT and multimedia tools to tell a story, often of a personal nature. The story is short (about 5 minutes) and has certain features that include developing creative tension and providing a moral or point of reflection for the viewer.

This blog aims to provide resources for potential digital story telling creators and to showcase digital stories (digitales) created all over the world.

All digitales
available via this blog have been made by my students or colleagues who have given their permission to share them.